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On December 04, 2012 Columbia GEAR UP took a group of 7th and 8th grade students to the grand opening of the largest planetarium in Washington state located at our very own Columbia Basin College. Equipped with the latest technology, this facility was designed to increase interest in math and science through astronomy. Our students had the pleasure of listening to several engaging presenters including Michael Joner, Jeffrey Roth, Charlie Duke and Story Musgrave.

The first presenter was Michael Joner, who is currently an Associate Research Professor at Brigham Young University of Physics and Astronomy. He started his presentation speaking about the wonders of modern technology in Astronomy and comparing how far it has come since he started his career. He also spoke about the importance of education and inspired the kids by explaining to them that if they get a degree in a field that they love that their lives will be much fuller because it will enable them to have a career that they can be passionate about.

Jeffrey Roth is currently a film producer in Hollywood. He has produced documentaries and also worked on a current hit television show. His award winning documentary, “The Wonder of It All”, focuses on the emotions of the astronauts that have traveled into space. He encouraged the kids to further their education and also explained that if they were to go into entertainment that they had a responsibility to tell the truth through film making rather than just “blow stuff up” to entertain others.

Charlie Duke served in NASA’S Apollo program and was among 12 Americans to walk on the moon. Charlie is a gifted story teller fascinating the audience with his humor and genuine personality. He engaged the audience by weaving a slide show and short movie clips throughout his presentation. The student’s favorites were definitely the moon bloopers which showed a more comical side of his space adventures. Mr. Duke also finished his presentation by encouraging kid’s to further their education, to be curious about the universe, and to never stop learning.

The final presenter was Story Musgrave who has had quite a fascinating life. Story grew up on a farm where he first learned mechanics. By the age of 18 he had joined the military where he was an aircraft electrician and engine mechanic. He also became a pilot for the marines, a parachutist with 800 free-falls and a surgeon. Mr. Musgrave holds 7 graduate degrees and is the proud recipient of 20 honorary doctorate degrees. On top of all that Story Musgrave flew on all 5 space shuttles and one of his six missions was the first repair of the Hubble space telescope. What an amazing life!

After all of the presenters were done speaking there was a brief question and answer with the students. Then the students had the privilege of meeting any one of the presenters. Jeffrey Roth also gave out free posters of his documentary film that many of our students were excited to get signed by the astronauts

The planetarium at CBC is a wonderful addition to our community that will inspire generations to come. Thank you, CBC for allowing Columbia Middle School to be part of this incredible event.

Columbia students inspired by astronauts and film director at CBC Planetarium dedication

Nakia McCarley December 14, 2012

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